Saturday, September 21, 2013

Consider this when purchasing a new tree!

We've all done it. Gone to the nursery and started looking for a new tree for the yard. And if it's not already daunting enough I have a couple of more things that you should consider before getting your wallet out!  

When we're thinking of getting a new tree the first thing people think of is the type of tree they want, this isn't always the first question you should ask.  You should be asking is this the right tree for my yard. Meaning: soil, light, size.  After you answer those questions then you have a more narrow idea of the type of tree that will fit well for you!!

If you've decided on a deciduous type of tree meaning the leaves fall off for the winter, the best time to buy and plant them is either in the spring or in the fall.  Trees take up around 20L of water a day and even more when it's red hot out side, so you'll get best results when you plant them in the cooler temperature.   Another reason for buying these trees in spring and fall is so you can see the branch structure.

  As you can see in the image ( ) The tree on the left has one main stem going from the ground all the way up to the terminal bud.  This type of grow is ideal because the branches are actual. Meaning the trees form and growth is pure and the way it was intended to be.  Whereas the tree on the right may look nice and full once its leaved out but the stems coming from the trunk aren't nearly as strong as the tree on the left.   What will happen down the road and I'm sure we've all seen it is one or more of the poorly attached branches will break and cause the tree to split. and this is where you run into costly repairs or removal.  Before a tree splits the two options are Tree strapping and heavy pruning to improve structure.  Both of which will involve professionals, unless you are very competent with a chainsaw.

Now that you've made a great choice with the structure of your tree, lets get this bad boy in the ground!  Most nurseries have a sub contractor that you can pay to deliver and plant the tree as most trees are too large for a car!!  But if you have a truck and some know how you can certainly do it yourself!  You're going to need: Shovel, knife or scissors, small bail of peat moss and 1 bag of good quality soil.  The bag of soil should have lots of organics in it and be basically manure.  And lastly you will need 2-4 bags of mulch.

Be sure to get rid of the top 8" or so of soil and roots.  You don't want that stuff getting into your new soil and making a mess of your nice mulch!  When you're digging your hole make sure to toss away rocks and debris as well.  Throw the soil into a wheel barrow or onto a tarp, when you're done amending the original soil with the peat moss and manure to your soil pile and stir it in.  Be sure to smash up big clumps of dirt.  The peat and manure will help your tree establish new and vigorous root growth.  If you have left over or extra soil, sprinkle it around the tree and surrounding area.  A little organics goes a long way for trees and lawns. 

Follow the easy steps below to the perfectly planted tree!!!

I hope this has cleared up how to select and plant a tree!  So next time you're going to have some tree work done, get out there and get dirty!!!   Its easy and fun once you get into it!!!

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