Saturday, October 5, 2013

Tree Rings

Todays topic is tree rings, not just nice to look at, they serve a greater purpose!

There are a few reasons why you would add a tree ring to a landscape tree.   To prevent mechanical damage from mowers and trimmers, the look nice and the area they cover have much less compaction when compared with the turf around them.

Lets face it, nothing looks worse than sparse turf and weeds under a nice tree, why not add a tree ring to it.  Its much easier done when the tree is a new planting and should be done every time.  Girdling is one of the leading killers of landscape trees, and it's cause but line trimmers and mowers ripping the bark and killing the cambium in a circle around a tree.

As you can see in the image above the tree ring is tiny and full of weeds.   You want to have the ring to be as large as possible and my feeling on its size should be to the drip line.  Drip line is where the longest branches extend out to.  where the moisture is. 
Tree rings can also make a great place for planting spring bulbs.  As long as it's a deciduous tree.  And if it's a conifer it will protect your lawn from the acidic needles that they drop as they age.
You can see with the tree on the right how far away from the trunk you will be also there will be much less compaction!  which is always a good thing.
You don't want the mulch on the trunk of the tree.   That will cause trunk to be moist too much and may cause rot and lead to the failure of the tree.  A nice smooth flat much job also looks and works the best.

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